LIBA Awards 2025 At the annual LIBA Free Enterprise Celebration, LIBA will present the awards listed below during the annual awards ceremony. LIBA encourages members to make nominations for these awards. See below for nominations for: Enterprising Gambler Award, Community Impact Award, LIBA Champion Award, Business of the Year Award, and Lincoln Young Professional Award.Name and contact info of person submitting nomination:(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Enterprising Gambler AwardThis award recognizes the business owner who has taken the bold step to either begin, expand or purchase a local business. Starting and building a business is demanding and is a gamble. It also is a risk to buy an existing business and attempt to continue its success. It takes time, money, preparation, and commitment, with no guarantee of success. Those who accomplish the task find it takes more than hard work. LIBA applauds the entrepreneurs and those risk takers who are willing to put their names on the bottom line.NameBusinessReasonsCommunity Impact AwardLIBA Recognizes being a “good steward” is key for our community and the operation of a successful business. The Community Impact Award honors LIBA members, and others, who make the City of Lincoln a much better place to live, work, and raise a family.NameBusinessReasonsLIBA Champion AwardLIBA was created to support business and guard over the community tax dollars. Quite often, there are members who support LIBA in an extraordinary way. Not only are there businesses who support LIBA, but the organization has Volunteer members who go above and beyond in their support of LIBA. Therefore, LIBA presents this award to honor “LIBA Champions” who stand up to promote the Lincoln Independent Business Association through their actions and decisions.NameBusinessReasonsBusiness of the Year AwardTo succeed in business over several years takes ongoing vigilance, focus, and hard work. A successful business contributes to our community in many ways and its owner(s) deserve recognition for their efforts. LIBA gives this award to a business and it’s owner(s) who exemplifies the “best” of what it takes to create and sustain enterprise, serving as a prime example of business excellence and a commitment to the greater Lincoln community.NameBusinessReasonsLincoln Young Professional AwardIt takes a bit of boldness and courage to succeed in the professional workforce among so many who are seasoned with experience. This award congratulates a hardworking and talented, under-40 professional who has created a good name for themselves in Lincoln’s business community.NameBusinessReasonsStarted in 1980 by a group of business owners to give small business a voice in local issues, the Lincoln Inde- pendent Business Association stands today as the voice of business in Lincoln. Thank you for taking time to nominate fellow business owners and leaders in Lincoln who are deserving of recognition for their commit- ment to our community.